Homeowner Lillian McNair says that her Cambridge home is angel-protected and well loved. Her daughter loves playing soccer in their yard and is the “gardening expert” in the family.
Lillian and her daughter had just come back from a weekend trip when they found their roof leaking. Puddles of water covered the floor and the damage was far beyond something that could be fixed with some patchwork.
“With a car, a house, and kids…the bank wouldn’t give us a loan.” Lillian tried working with contractors to repair her roof but they only caused more damage. She worried about the idea of having to hold her roof together with tarps and bungee cords until her friend encouraged her to apply to Habitat’s Home Repair Program.
The roof replacement Lillian’s home needed was made possible through Habitat’s Helping Hands Revolving Loan Fund. Through this fund, partner families can complete necessary repairs and establish a repayment plan according to a sliding scale based on income. Repaid funds then go back into the Helping Hands Revolving Loan Fund to help more individuals and families in the community.
Lillian believes that there was no way she and her daughter could have stayed in their home had it not been for Habitat’s help. “It has been wonderful; a total lifesaver for me and my family.”
Lillian has felt a renewed sense of motivation to complete other home repair projects — the time she spent volunteering inspired her. With the help of her family and a few YouTube videos, Lillian has tackled DIY projects ranging from adding backsplash to her kitchen to removing carpet and completely refinishing her floors.
Lillian feels that she will “be forever grateful” for Habitat.